Agency Services

Agency Services

Finding Your Fit

Hiring someone to work in your home is one of the most important decisions you will make. You are welcoming someone into the most private and vulnerable part of your life and entrusting them with that which you value most. That is why we conduct every talent search as if it were for our own family — with the utmost discretion, caution and unwavering scrutiny. Not only do we conduct face-to-face interviews and exhaustive background and security checks, we also go the extra mile to ensure that whomever we place in your household is a seamless fit on a personal level as well.

It’s not uncommon for us to hear stories from new clients about their previous placements that didn’t work because a candidate wasn’t qualified or because they were simply not a good personal fit. At the Nanny Poppins Agency, we meticulously match you and your nanny or other domestic professional on both a personal and professional level ensuring that your candidate meets your every need, fits in with your family and your lifestyle. Once the placement is made we follow up on a predetermined schedule with both you and your new hire to ensure that everyone is happy.