Each day in the US, more than 300 children are treated for poisoning in emergency rooms across the nation. Creating a safe environment for children is a top priority for parents, but accidents unfortunately do happen. One important step you can take to protect your child from poisoning is to utilize safer household products. Utilizing household supplies that are safe around children not only lowers the risk of poisoning, but can be better for your whole family’s health. Non-toxic household supplies are better for the environment, too! In this post, we’ll share non-toxic household supplies that are safe around children. We’ll also share common household poisons and childproofing tips to keep your little ones safe. 

Non-toxic Household Products

Cleaning your home doesn’t have to mean introducing toxic chemicals. Most messes can be resolved with the following non-toxic household supplies that are safe around children:

  1. White Vinegar: White vinegar is a versatile and safe cleaning solution that can be used to clean a variety of surfaces. It is non-toxic and does not contain harmful chemicals.
  2. Baking Soda: Baking soda is another safe and effective cleaning solution that can be used to clean surfaces and remove odors. It is non-toxic and does not contain harmful chemicals.
  3. Castile Soap: Castile soap is a gentle and non-toxic soap that can be used for cleaning dishes, laundry, and surfaces. It is made from natural ingredients and does not contain harmful chemicals.
  4. Microfiber Cloths: Microfiber cloths are a safe and effective alternative to paper towels and other cleaning cloths. They can be used to clean surfaces without the need for harsh chemicals.
  5. Natural Air Fresheners: Instead of using chemical air fresheners, consider using natural alternatives such as essential oil diffusers, beeswax candles, or fresh flowers.

In addition to cleaning products, many personal care and miscellaneous household products have non-toxic alternatives, such as:

  1. Non-Toxic Art Supplies: When choosing art supplies for children, look for non-toxic options such as watercolor paints, non-toxic markers, and soy-based crayons.
  2. Child-Safe Insect Repellent: When spending time outdoors, use a child-safe insect repellent that does not contain harmful chemicals such as DEET.
  3. Child-Safe Sunscreen: When spending time outdoors, use a child-safe sunscreen that does not contain harmful chemicals such as oxybenzone and octinoxate.

Toxic Household Products to Keep Away from Children

Choosing non-toxic products is a great start to keep your children safe. However it’s equally important to be aware of toxic products already in the home so you can keep them away from your children. Read the labels of the products you use carefully to understand if they are toxic and what to do if a products is ingested. 

Many cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can cause respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other health issues. Some of the most harmful chemicals found in cleaning products include:

Other common household products that can be harmful to children include:

Some of these products can be exchanged for alternative non-toxic household supplies that are safe around children. But some toxic products are unavoidable in the home. If you use these items, put them up high, out of sight and reach of children in a locked cupboard. Install child-resistant locks and leave all chemicals and cleaners in their original containers. 

Babyproofing and Childproofing Tips

As parents, we want to keep our children safe from harm. Choosing non-toxic household supplies that are safe around children is a great way to lower the risk of poisoning. However, there are many unavoidable common household products that can be toxic and dangerous to children. Here are some tips to help keep your children safe from household cleaners and chemicals:

  1. Store household products safely: Keep all household cleaning products in their original containers. Also, when buying products, look for child-resistant containers to help prevent poisoning to children. Store chemicals and cleaners out of sight and reach of children at all times.
  2. Read and follow product labels: Check for ingredients that can be harmful to kids and make sure you use and store products according to the label.
  3. Keep cleaning products out of reach at all times: Kids can get into things quickly, so remember not to leave cleaning products or personal care products unattended while you are using them.
  4. Avoid harmful household cleaners: Choose non-toxic products when possible to lower the risk of poisoning or development of health issues. 
  5. Know how to contact poison control: Get help immediately online or by phone. Visit the Poison Control website or call 1-800-222-1222 if you know or suspect your child has been exposed to toxins.

By following these tips, you can help keep your children safe from toxic household products. 


Working with a Professional

By taking these precautions, parents can create a safe and healthy environment for their children. But you don’t need to go it alone! At Nanny Poppins we can help keep your household safe and clean. Contact us today for help finding the perfect housekeeper or childcare professional to assist with babyproofing and childproofing. 

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