Domestic Staff Guide for Traveling Estate Owners

domestic staff guide for traveling estate owners

Travel keeping you away from home? Do you own a large estate or property that needs managing while you’re away? You’re not alone: 62% of Americans are planning to spend more on travel in 2023. Owning and managing a large estate can be a demanding task, especially for those who travel frequently. To ensure that […]

Household Supplies That Are Safe Around Children

household supplies that are safe around children

Each day in the US, more than 300 children are treated for poisoning in emergency rooms across the nation. Creating a safe environment for children is a top priority for parents, but accidents unfortunately do happen. One important step you can take to protect your child from poisoning is to utilize safer household products. Utilizing […]

What Does a Newborn Care Specialist Do?

Qualified Nanny

Welcoming a newborn into the world is an exciting and momentous time for parents. However, it can also be overwhelming! Learning to care for a newborn on top of balancing all of life’s regular responsibilities is a huge undertaking. That’s where a Newborn Care Specialist comes in. A NCS is a trained professional who provides […]

Back-to-School Nanny vs. Household Manager

Nanny vs. Household Manager

It’s that time of year again! Back-to-school time is quickly approaching, and many parents must find care for their kids before and/or after school. Hiring a back-to-school nanny can be a great way to ensure that your children are well-cared for while you’re at work. This professional can also provide household management duties while the […]